

Created by Jason Furie

A collection of enamel pins celebrating miscellaneous fantasy odds and ends ⚔️ You can also order my back catalog from Pizza Pinz (all pins come in a mini pizza box!), Movie Moths, and my Retro Nerd series.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

📦 Pins have arrived and are ready to ship!
3 days ago – Fri, Sep 13, 2024 at 05:14:47 PM

Hey everyone, great news — the FANTASY pins have arrived and they tuned out great!

I just sent out an email that will allow you to edit your shipping information over the next 48 hours. If nothing has changed since you filled out the survey, there is no action needed on your end.

In 48 hours all orders will lock with the address on file and I will begin the shipping process.

Looking forward to getting these out to you all soon.

As always, appreciate all the support with these weird little projects.

✌️ Jason Furie

✌️ Cards Being Charged, Pin Production Begins
about 2 months ago – Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 10:56:20 PM

Hey everyone great news!

After a few delays due to some back and forth with my pin manufacturers (they must be PERFECT I say!), we are now all set to head into final pin production.

I will be charging all cards today/tomorrow so I can pay the final invoice.

Production should take 3-4 weeks and then I will be shipping these pins out to everyone.

I'm so very thankful for all you've done to support this lil' passion project of mine. The only way I could even fathom making weird little pin design such as "Foraged Herbs" and "Wizard's Pipe" is because of you. My DnD loving heart is overjoyed ❤️

I'll be sure to share pictures of the pins before I send them out!

✌️ Jason Furie

💌 All surveys sent! Due JULY 4TH!
3 months ago – Fri, Jun 14, 2024 at 09:33:10 PM

All surveys have officially been sent out so PLEASE check your inbox and COMPLETE YOUR SURVEY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Once I get a good sense of my quantities, I will be ready to place my final order with my manfacturer.


I'll be going on a much needed vacation to Ohio, and then driving back cross-country to the San Francisco Bay Area. It would be amazing to have these surveys done by then so I can get straight to manufacturing and shipping when I get back. I already have all my packaging material ready!

And if you DID NOT back during the live campaign but want to pick up some FANTASY pins (or any of my other Pizza Pinz, Movie Moths pins, or Nerd pins), please pre-order now and I will be sure to send them out with the rest of my orders. 

  • JUNE 14 — All Surveys Sent
  • JULY 4 — Have Survey Completed
  • WEEK of JULY 8 — I will place my final pin order
  • SHIPPING — After that I will post another update to share projected shipping timeline depending on what my manufacturer projects. 

The good news is we are 100% on time and on track here. Excited to get these pins to everyone.

✌️ Jason Furie

💌 Surveys incoming!
3 months ago – Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 10:51:15 PM

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to let everyone know that the surveys are starting to go out now to a select few people to ensure everything works ok. Once I see a few surveys go through, I will send the rest. Hopefully they should all be out by this weekend!

I appreciate all your support, and also appreciate all your patience while I sort all the fun stuff like manufacturing and fulfillment. I can't wait to get these lil' passion project pins in your hands ⚔️

If you missed the campaign, you can still pre-order now (along with my entire back catalog of pins) and I will ship them at the same time as all the campaign backers if you do it soon!

Thanks again, I'll update as needed to keep you updated and show off the pins when I get them in-hand.

✌️ Jason Furie

5 months ago – Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 09:25:39 PM

Fantasy is coming to an end with ONLY A FEW HOURS LEFT!

PLEDGE NOW and help reach the third and final Stretch Goal — Wizard's Pipe 🏆

We're sooooooooo close 🧙‍♂️

And the third and final "Backer's Choice" pin has been decided — Blood Goblet 🥤

And remember there are 3 FREE PINS available to all!

ONE FREE PIN for simply backing this project — "Glow-in-the-Dark Dragon Skull"

TWO MORE FREE PINS for backing my project AND my wife Katie's project FANTASY FLORA 🌿

PLEDGE NOW IF YOU HAVEN'T, up your pledge level if you have, or add some add-ons and I think we can unlock that final stretch goal at $5000 together in these final hours 🔥🔥🔥

Jason Furie ✌️